Monday, November 18, 2019

Provide responsible gambling services (RCG) Newcastle

Liquor and Gaming NSW Approved Training Provider #CCR10000169

Cost: $109 (save 40% - Spring Special)
Call our central booking office 1300 723 056.

It is a requirement of the Gaming Machines Act 2001 for proposed hoteliers, secretary managers and staff who will have gaming machine related functions to have completed the NSW Responsible Conduct of Gambling course (RCG).

The SITHGAM001 Provide responsible gambling services (RCG) competency is the foundation for mandatory training on responsible gambling for new hoteliers, secretary managers and gaming-related staff.

This course is conducted over a minimum of six hours. There are no exemptions from this course. Note: RCG training undertaken interstate is not recognised in NSW.

For RCG course participants you will receive:
- Liquor & Gaming NSW interim RCG Certificate
- Nationally Recognised Statement of Attainment
- Plastic wallet size card (will be mailed by Liquor and Gaming NSW)

Training Location: 376 Hunter Street, Newcastle, NSW, 2300